So as the title says I have lots to blog about, where do I even begin? I will start with Easter 2009! Well on the Saturday before Easter I took the kids to the Church Easter Egg hunt. I love the picture below with Lindsey holding Jacob! She is quite the mother hen, look at that little boy in the front! Sorry I have no clue as to who he is but he's quite a cutie and Kyle just looks thrilled to death doesn't he!!

So moving on to Easter Sunday (man that was fast wasn't it) I felt horrible, I had a pounding headache all day which by the way then lead to a horrible sinus infection that lasted all week! Not to worry I feel so much better now thank goodness! Here are the picture's from the Easter egg hunt that we had at Nana's. This was the first year that Jacob got to go an Easter egg hunt. At first he didn't really know what to do, but he sure caught on fast!

I love the picture below with Jacob and his favorite cousin! I wonder which one has more eggs!

I was a race to get the most eggs!

I think Lindsey ended up getting the most eggs! You go girl!!!

OK so enough about Easter! Early tonight the kids had there Spring Program at school! These are always so much fun to attend! As usual Kyle was just as excited about this as he is with any other type of program that involves singing and dancing! Here are some fun photos that I shot tonight of the kids with my new camera, which I still have no clue how to use! Kyle was having a blast, can't you tell! (Some of my pics turned out a little blurry because I didn't have the VR/vibration reduction on some, photographer I am!)

Kyle did enjoy this part of the program!!!

Programs are definitely Lindsey's thing, she was one of the cutest one's there, with her

This was the funniest part of all in the picture below Lindsey was supposed to put her back up against the little boy next to her, well instead she went for her little girl friend on the other side and the two little boys were left by themselves!!!
OK so it was one of those things were you just had to be there! Well that's enough blogging for one day! Its time to hit the sack I have school tomorrow and a wonderful
PowerPoint presentation that I am just thrilled about!
Ha ha!! I totally get nervous when it comes to getting up in front of others to speak, I stubble over my words, forget what
I'm supposed to say, yeah it will lots of fun!!!
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