Tuesday, June 12, 2012

One Thousand Blessings


716. Helping with Kyle's class for field day at school

717. A breeze on a really hot day

718. Finishing up some things at the school for fall

719. Taking Lillian to Lake Michigan for the first time

720. Lillian being content with sitting on the beach

721. Seagull chasing in the sand

722. Taking Lillian into the water at the beach for the first time

723. Remembering to reapply sunscreen on Lillian at the beach

725. Not getting a sunburn

725. Finding a parking spot close the restrooms at the Outlet mall (and for not having to wait in line)

726. Being asked to help at the sixth grade graduation

727. The kids out for summer break

728. The short little videos I have of Lillian at the beach

729. The extra bikes we have for other kids to ride that come over

730. Being asked to babysit for the summer

731. Buying goggles for the kids and them being excited to start swimming

732. Signing the kids up for the summer reading program at the library

733. Getting most of the weeds pulled

734. A new one piece swim suit for me

735. New magazines to look at

To learn  more about One Thousand Gifts visit Ann's blog, A Holy Experience, and take the dare to count as many blessings in which the Lord has given you!!!! Blessings, Lisa

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