I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas last week, I know we sure did, it's so hard to believe its all over and that it's now 2010! In a way I am so glad the holiday's are now over so I can start to lose some of the weight that I sure gained from all the yummy food I devoured! It seems that we have been so busy the past few weeks, thankfully things are starting slow down for us! I finally got around to downloading the pictures from Christmas, I thought I would share a few with you! Below Lindsey is frosting a yummy cake for all of us to eat!!!

Below, is Kyle drooling, I mean watching Lindsey frost the cake!

Here is Jacob and I! (he is so silly!)

And here is Jacob, Lindsey and I making some yummy treats!

In case you were wondering what we were making it is a very easy yummy recipe! Take two Ritz brand crackers and put peanut butter on one side than add the other cracker on top so that you have a peanut butter cracker sandwich. Next dip it in some melted chocolate (white or milk chocolate which ever you prefer, both are yummy!). Then just lay your chocolate covered peanut butter cracker on wax paper to harden. Once Chocolate is harden eat and enjoy! We ended up dipping some peanuts in the chocolate too! Oh my was that yummy, OK I guess anything with chocolate on it is yummy! After all the baking and eating it was time to open presents! Below is the biggest boy helping out the littlest boy! Ha! Ha!

Again daddy helping open up something for the little ones!

Below is Kyle opening open of his presents!

Chad playing toys with Jacob.

Here is Jacob trying to play the new Wii, it was hysterical to watch him!

And finally one last picture! Merry Christmas!!!

Wow, talk about picture overload! Ha! Ha! I must say 2009 was quite a busy year for us! We had lots and lots of good times this past year along with one rather hard time, but we survived and thank God for all of our soo many blessings! I think the year ended on a very good note for us and can't wait to see whats ahead for 2010!!! Happy New Year everyone!!!
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