There is definitely no place like home especially when you are gone for a week! I have thought a lot about whether I should post this on my blog or not only because reliving the moment is pretty hard for me to do. On June 7
th our family experienced a mothers worst nightmare, my precious little boy was hurt. This is tremendously hard to write but I thought I would share my story with you and make you aware of the dangers of having a fire pit. It was a normal Sunday for us Chad was farming and the kids were at home with me. Kyle, Lindsey and I taught Jacob how to roll down a big hill that we have and yes I rolled down too! We were outside most of the afternoon and the kids wanted popcorn for a snack, I made them one small bag and went inside to pop another bag while the kids were on the front porch. Kyle and Lindsey came in and then we all went back out in a matter of two minutes Jacob was gone running down to the lane. Kyle and I went running after him but he thought we were chasing him and playing and kept looking back at us all of the sudden he fell into the fire pit that had hot ashes from the night before. I still don't know if Kyle or I got him out or if Jacob got out himself, all I know is that he was covered in ashes and I was screaming my head off! I called my husband who was three miles away at the other farm and he was at our house in no time at all, he said it was the fastest that he had driven that truck on a gravel road. We left Kyle and Lindsey with the neighbors and headed to our local band aid station which I was not impressed with them at all and its a brand new hospital! We spent two hours there and all they did was put a cold wash cloth on his hands, I could have done that at home for crying out loud! They then got an ambulance and Chad, Jacob and I rode down to Indy to Riley's Children's hospital. Surprisingly he was alert and talking half the way down there, he was very concerned about where his shoes were! (He must know they cost $42! That's
Stide Rite Extra Wide the child's got the chunkiest little feet around!) What was really sad was that he kept saying hot and holding up his hands. He had a second degree burn on his left had and third on the right. We were very lucky that was all that got burned. They did do skin grafting on the right hand it was just the outside portion of his hand the top and palm area and where the wrist bends. He was such a trooper while we were there, he didn't loose his appetite while we were away which is a good thing because the more nutrients he gets the faster he will heal. He weighed in at a whopping 33 pounds and he's only two, so yes the boy does like to eat! He also did very well with all the changing of his bandages. He loved riding in the wagon and going up and down in the glass elevator while we were there. We got back home on Monday the 15
th and Jacob is doing great, he hasn't slowed down a bit, I think in a way that is good, it keeps our minds off of the accident. I have to say that if you do have a fire pit that is in the ground please put something around or over the top of it so that no one can fall in it. The kids were excited to have Jacob back home and I know that he was excited to be home! I spent every night in the hospital with Jacob so my back was grateful to be on a normal bed! Jacob was very worried about his
vroom vroom (his power wheel tractor).
Here are some pictures that I took of him the Friday before the accident I had forgotten all about them!

We went to the library and park that day and I let the kids play in the creek again, Jacob was extremely tired, I didn't have the stroller so he had walked quite a bit.

I must also say that we did see a water snake as we were leaving the park! It jumped out of no where and scared Lindsey and Chase (my nephew) considering they were really close to it!!! I know I jumped and I was a little way's away from them!

I also want to say a huge thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers for our family and especially for Jacob! He is the strongest little guy I know and I am so glad that he is mine!!!
Oh, WOW!!! Praise the Lord he wasn't burned more than he was!!!! Glad to hear you are all back home!!
I am so glad Jacob is home and doing much better! Thank you for sharing what happened to him. I have been praying for him.
Take Care,
P.S. I am a customer of yours from Etsy and your shop.
Hi Heather, Hi Cindy, thank you so much for your prayers it means a lot! It's great to be home!!!
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