We are finally getting ready to move into our second home, this weekend! (Wait, didn't I say that I while back!) For real this time, the house is almost done. The hold up seems to be the plumbing for the washer and dryer hook ups. Since I do laundry everyday, it's kind of important to have washer and dryer hook ups! We have officially owned our other home for only one year and twelve days, but who's really counting right! Ha! We said we would move in soooo many different times it's really hard to believe we are actually going to move in it at all!
We do have some really pretty floors there, here is just a small peek at them!!!!

A part of me doesn't really want to move to the city, I kinda like living out in the middle of the countryside. I can play on the swing set with the kids and not have neighbors looking at me kinda funny, I can run down the road and not have people wondering why in the world I am running. I don't have to worry about curtains or window blinds, I can play soccer in the yard with the kids and not have them win every time, I don't have to worry about looking kinda funny climbing up the slide, I can wear junky clothes and not have anyone say anything about them! Gosh, do we really want to move to town! A privacy fence will need to go up as soon as possible!
I think we still have a house for sale sign in the garage that came with the house when we bought it, maybe I should look for it and put in the front yard! Just kidding, or am I! Ha! Ha! I do know that I am so glad we bought the house because our children don't have to worry about their old school district and the many changes they are facing. I feel for those children and their parents, closing a school is not always the answer! On a completley diffent note, Chad and I have already talked about our "next" house and what we would like. Let's just say that it won't be in town!
I like to think that since we have had a year to get used to the idea of moving, it will much easier on all of us. Although change is sometimes hard for me, and leaving a place that we have lived for the past nine years is going to be a big one! Having a year to plan where I want furniture and things has helped, but has it been enough for me?! I suppose only time will tell. Also, the kids have never really moved before are they prepared enough too!? Yikes, the stress! Just a tad overwhelming at times!
With moving means that I have had to go through literally everything that we own! I have bags of stuff for Goodwill and probably could have paper mache the whole house with the amount of papers I got rid of! (Seriously!) I also found things that I didn't know we still had! Such as a bank statement from 2002, the paper work from a 1997 Ford Mustang I got when I was 18, clothes that still had the price tag on them, hair from Kyle's first hair cut in a plastic bag dated back to 2001, a state board test from after I finished beauty school, paper work from a tractor Chad had sold years ago, pictures of the kids from before the digital camera, tons of birthday cards from over the years!
I have been organizing everything and plan on going with the less is more idea for now on! Really, we don't paper work from vehicles or tractors we don't have anymore! I am also planning on getting rid of some furniture that I just don't want anymore, really I kinda of like having an empty house! Now, if only I can convince myself that I really don't need three sets of pots and pans!!!! Blessings, Lisa