I have acquired a new little model for my shop and she sure is a cutie! Lillian is now modeling for me and although she sure is cute, she needs a little practice! I did manage to get just a few pictures of her smiling that weren't blurry from her moving around too much!
She looks thrilled, doesn't she!
She kept looking at Jacob probably wondering why he isn't doing this!
All the modeling must have made her hungry!
Of course Lindsey will still be my other model but the only bad thing about using Lindsey is that she spends most of her day at school. Lindsey seen Lillian's new dress and loved it, she suggested that she would rather have a skirt to match. Now I can dress my girls up in matching clothes how fun! They both have matching ruffle pants and now I need to start making them matching dresses for summer! You will be able to find this cute little "Sweet Meadow" boutique dress in my shop really soon!!!! Blessings, Lisa
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