I have come across an awesome website a few weeks ago while searching online for some inspiration for the playroom! pinterest is my new favorite way to bookmark things that I love! I will admit it can be addictive to keep pinning things that I find and creating more boards to pin these things on. I have created boards for recipes that I want to try to crafting, decorating my home and places that someday I would love to go! I even added the "pin it" button on my web browser bar so I can pin things that find other places on the Internet. (OK, don't laugh at my horrible screenshots, I just figured out how to do them!)

I have pinned some of my own things, I'm not sure if that's proper etiquette, but I did it anyway! I'm so bad! I'm also not sure if they have a limit as to how many pins or boards you can have! (I probably should have looked into that a little more!)

If you want to follow me and/or see my pins and boards check it out at pinterest.com/lisarosemarie
Now I need to go pin some more inspiration!!!! Blessings, Lisa
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