Monday, April 30, 2012
One Thousand Blessings
676. Kyle being able to go to the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra for school
677. Kyle not minding that I made his sack lunch bag look cool with sport and cupcake stamps
678. Being able to renew library books over the phone when we can't make it up there when they are due
679. Being asked to help out at Kyle and Lindsey's school again
680. Helping at the school and that I hopefully get to back after Istep testing is over in a few weeks
681. We have now lived in our current house for one year now and have owned it for two years
682. Chad being able to fix the little window in the extra room that broke
683. New running clothes to wear for my first half-marathon
684. How excited the kids were when the neighbor asked them if they wanted some old toys they had in the shed they were cleaning out
685. Finding out that we can have chickens in town
To learn more about One Thousand Gifts visit Ann's blog, A Holy Experience, and take the dare to count as many blessings in which the Lord has given you!!!! Blessings, Lisa
Monday, April 23, 2012
One Thousand Blessings
666. The kids learning about composting and recycling
667. Rain that hopefully helped our grass seed to sprout
668. Chad replacing his broken tape measure for a new free one since it was still under warranty
669. The boys excited about the new tools they got at the store
670. Lindsey remembering to stay after school for her club
671. Sewing up some cute one of a kind dresses
672. Finding Jacob some rain boots on clearance at Target
673. A very healthy green smoothie
674. Being asked to help at the kids' school
675. Lillian's cute new sandals
To learn more about One Thousand Gifts visit Ann's blog, A Holy Experience, and take the dare to count as many blessings in which the Lord has given you!!!! Blessings, Lisa
666. The kids learning about composting and recycling
667. Rain that hopefully helped our grass seed to sprout
668. Chad replacing his broken tape measure for a new free one since it was still under warranty
669. The boys excited about the new tools they got at the store
670. Lindsey remembering to stay after school for her club
671. Sewing up some cute one of a kind dresses
672. Finding Jacob some rain boots on clearance at Target
673. A very healthy green smoothie
674. Being asked to help at the kids' school
675. Lillian's cute new sandals
To learn more about One Thousand Gifts visit Ann's blog, A Holy Experience, and take the dare to count as many blessings in which the Lord has given you!!!! Blessings, Lisa
Monday, April 16, 2012
One Thousand Blessings

656. How Jacob always asks me 'how many miles did I go?' when I come home from running
657. The easy taco soup recipe I found online and that everyone ate it
658. Finding Lillian's other shoe (under the couch) after looking all day
659. Getting more dirt in the yard so it wont puddle this year
660. Knowing that before long we will have lush green grass to roll around in
661. The kids OK with not going to the Bug Bowl, due to the weather
662. Lillian enjoying herself while we sort through my mountain of fabric scraps
663. Finding a few new projects to get rid of some of my fabric scraps
664. Riding bikes through mud puddles around town with the boys after the rain
665. Me having muddy pants just like the boys
To learn more about One Thousand Blessings visit Ann's blog, A Holy Experience, and take the dare to count as many blessings in which the Lord has given you!!!! Blessings, Lisa
Monday, April 9, 2012
One Thousand Blessings
646. Chad getting Jacob a new ride on tractor since his old one caught on fire last summer
647. Watching Jacobs face light up when he seen his new tractor
648. Playing with plastic easter eggs
649. Taking Jacob to kindergarten round up
650. How Jacob always asks me 'how many miles you go?' when I get home from running
651. Kyle and Lindsey not having school on Good Friday
652. Meeting someone new, and enjoying our conversation
653. Making resurection rolls with the kids
654. Christ resurrected
655. Having strawberry shortcakes for dessert
To learn more about One Thousand Gifts visit Ann's blog, A Holy Experience, and take the dare to count as many blessings in which the Lord has given you!!!! Blessings, Lisa
Monday, April 2, 2012
One Thousand Blessings

636. Chad building us a privacy fence
637. The kids excited to go on a 'field trip' to the Celery Bog
638. Lunches all packed and ready to go
639. Remembering to put on sunscreen
640. The kids learning how to use a compass
641. Being able to use a map on the trails to find our way around
642. The joy the kids get from playing with a large box
643. Watching Kyle and Jacob help Chad with the deck
644. Chad building us a new deck with only the help of little boys and not complaining about it
645. Eating out on our new deck
To learn more about One Thousand Blessings visit Ann's blog, A Holy Experience, and take the dare to count as many blessings in which the Lord has given you!!!! Blessings, Lisa
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