I am just a little late with putting together a review of last year! 2011 was the year of many firsts so it seems! Jacob learned to ride a bike all by himself with out training wheels, Kyle learned to jump off the diving board all by himself, Lindsey learned to play a few songs on the piano by herself ,Lillian learned to take her first few steps and Chad and I learned that we are NOT city people! Are you ready for some major picture overload! Here goes:
We had lots of snow this time last year!

Lindsey loved cheer leading camp and performing in front of everyone

Kyle and Lindsey both played basketball

Jacob learned to paint the walls, he did such a fine job!

Chad was wonderful at helping me to create the pictures I wanted of him and Lillian

I will cherish them always

Lindsey loves her new room

Kyle and Lindsey learned to fence

Kyle didn't really want to wear the outfit that went with fencing

The kids spent lots of time outside on the blanket

Kyle learned the ins and outs of baseball and did a really good job!

Kyle learned to jump off the diving board without any fear

Lillian wore the dress that Lindsey wore when she was about that same age for pictures

A picture of all the kids is usually easier said than done

We had many hot summer days spent outside

Lillian enjoyed her first of many fairs (along with extremely hot weather that week)

Jacob helped to farm, one of his favorite things to do

Lillian had her one year pictures at the farm in her big fluffy tutu I made for her

Kyle helped to take pictures of Lillian and I (Lillian wasn't thrilled with the whole idea)

Lillian turned ONE!

The kids enjoyed a beautiful fall day at the park over fall break

I even joined them in playing on the equipment

Lindsey loves her baby sister

Chad and I have the most beautiful kids and feel so blessed to call them ours!

Lillian learned that driving tractors is fun!

2011 is gone and now we look forward to what 2012 will us, we have so much planned this year! We have big plans this year Jacob will go off to kindergarten for the first time this fall, the kids will keep me busy with sports and other activity's, we even a family vacation in the works! Lots will happen this year I'm sure and we are ready for whatever comes our way. Bring on 2012, we wish you a very blessed New Year!!!! Blessings, Lisa