Today Kyle came home with something special from school! He made the A/B honor roll this quarter at his new school! We are so proud of him and of course he was very proud of himself! Hooray Kyle!!!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Making the Honor Roll!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Two Weeks Old!
Little Miss Lillian you are two weeks old today! Where has the time gone, I guess the saying is true "time flies when your having fun!". You had your two week check up on Tuesday of this week and you got to meet our family doctor for the first time. Of course she said your perfect, but we already knew that! You weighed in at 8 pounds and 7 ounces at your check in, so you sure aren't missing a meal. Last Monday you weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces. You have started to work on schedule somewhat, at least you have your bedtime routine down. After Kyle, Lindsey and Jacob have their bath then it's your turn, then of course it's story time and sleepy time for all of you kids. I still give you a sponge bath simply because you weren't so sure about you bathtub when I put you in it the other day. Along with you really don't like to be in the nude at this age because you feel lost, which is normal. Then you usually wake up around 12:00am and of course that is when I end up bringing you to bed with me. Leaving daddy to sleep on the couch for the rest of the night. Your lucky he doesn't mind as long as we get our sleep! Of course you always wake up when Kyle and Lindsey wake up to get ready for school. No honey you can't go to school yet! You are staying awake for longer periods during the day to play. You love to walk around the house while in my arms and look out the windows and watch your silly brother. Your baby shakes as I call them are getting better as your nervous system is maturing. I remember that used to scare me when Kyle was a newborn, but it's perfectly normal your body is learning how to handle the outside world. You love to be swaddled in your blankets when you sleep at night, but to much during the day. Probably because I am usually holding you! When you are crying you tend to calm down when I make the shhh sound and get close to your face and hold you tight. Of course I still check to make sure your breathing when you are sleeping. The funny thing is that I seen Kyle doing the same thing one day when you first came home! He said he wasn't sure if you were breathing! I think we all do that to you, it's somewhat of a natural instinct for a newborn, I seen your father doing the same thing! Here are some cute pictures of you when we came home from your check up the other day! The first one you look like a little baby doll! The second one you were smiling at Jacob! I just happened to catch you at the right moment!!!!
Of course Kyle, Lindsey and Jacob love you to pieces and so does mommy and daddy!!!! Blessings, Mommy
Thursday, October 14, 2010
First Photo Session!
On Monday I decided to take Lillian's baby pictures and oh my was she cute! We decided not to get her pictures taken at the hospital simply because they usually turn out pretty cheesy and since I spent a lot of money on my camera and lens I could do it myself! Little Lillie (we decided to spell it that way rather than Lilly.) was fast asleep and had no idea what mommy was doing to her until the very end of our photo session! I wanted to take off her onesie but was afraid she would wake up, maybe next time! I have seen lots of cute newborn pictures online from some of my favorite photographers and I hope to mimic some of them with Lillian. I used my 35mm lens, rather than my regular lens, for a softer look.
I absolutely love her facial expressions they are soo cute!!!!
Here are her little heels that would literally stick out the side of my belly!
And her cute little painted toe nails!
Then she woke up with a "what are you doing to me" look on her face! Such a cutie!
Yesterday I took pictures of Lindsey and Jacob with Lillian, Kyle wanted no part of pictures! Little does he know I have a photo session with him and his new baby sister coming soon!
My two girls!
Jacob wanted to hold Lillie!
Lillie wasn't to happy when Jacob was holding her, maybe he was pinching her! Just kidding! He was saying shhhh to her to calm her down! So sweet! Jacob loves baby Lillie and has become an awesome big brother! Of course he learned from the best, his big brother Kyle! Lillian is one week old today and she is such an easy going baby. The kids love to help out with her, talk to her and Kyle and Lindsey can't wait to see her when they get home off the school bus. "Where's Lillie" is the first thing they say when they come through the door, of course I am usually holding her! She is definitely a sweet little baby who is very well loved!!!! Lisa
Sunday, October 10, 2010
A New Bundle of Joy!
Our sweet baby girl has finally arrived! In fact she arrived just a few hours after my last blog post found here! Lillian Rose was born at 1:46 in the morning and weighed in at 7 pounds and 9 ounces and was 21 inches long! Lillian's birth story starts way back in February when I found out we were expecting. Honestly it was a surprise for me as I couldn't believe I was pregnant! I had taken three different tests and was about to call the EPT company and tell them they were all three defective tests! Well, I finally came to terms with expecting a bundle of joy and then I needed to tell Chad, but I wanted to do it in a special way since all of our other children it was never really a surprise. I had decided to keep it a secret from him (which by the way was super hard for me to do but I managed to keep it from him) until we went out to eat for
Valentines day which we celebrated on Friday the 12th. Of course I had told my sister in-law
that Superbowl Sunday that I was expecting and to my surprise she had told me that she was also expecting! We had to be really quite while discussing everything as nobody in the family knew yet as they had just found out too. Our due dates ended up being a day apart! When Chad and I went out on Friday for Valentines day I had gotten him a soft cream colored blanket and some white organic onesies in a bag! I have a really fuzzy bad picture of him opening his present!
Such a baby doll!
Yep, I would say she was thrilled to have a camera in her face!
Lillian getting ready for her first car ride home! She had her sweet little feet on the move!
"Seriously mom, get the doll her own car seat!"
With being home now Kyle, Lindsey and Jacob absolutely love having a baby sister! They think she is simply adorable and they love to look at her and of course touch her, but only with clean hands! Chad and I think she is pretty amazing too!!! Lisa
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Getting Ready For the BIG Day!
We have been preparing to meet our sweet new baby for awhile now and I am beginning to believe she will be here much sooner than than I thought! Funny how that works out! I do have all of her things ready to go, such as her going home outfit, a special blanket that I had gotten when I found out we were expecting and a sweet little baby doll that Lindsey and I picked up over the weekend, a cute little jacket from Target for her to wear home, along with an adorable hair bow! (Of course since it may be chilly she will have a cute little bonnet to wear outside!)
Monday, October 4, 2010
Our Barn Tin Ceiling!
On Saturday Chad had started to work on the ceiling in our kitchen over at our other house. Our plan was to put up barn roof tin, of course I came up with the idea when I seen a picture of it in someones kitchen on a blog and also seen one in a magazine. It just so happened that Chad has a friend that had some for us to use, since he didn't need it anymore! When I went to see the house yesterday and see the ceiling in my new kitchen, yikes, was my first thought! What was I thinking!
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