Some exciting news!!! OK so for Little Lulu's Christmas present she wanted an American Girl Doll, well the one that she really wanted was on back order until May of 2009, so we had decided to get her the American Girl of Today that you can choose what color of hair and eyes you want, well I couldn't decide which doll to get her the blonde hair blue eyed girl with straight hair or layered hair? Well finally Sunday I decided and ordered the doll (payed $30 bucks for shipping) and they told me that it would arrive on Christmas Eve. Well this morning at 10:30 the UPS guy pulled into the drive way and you will never guess what it was! ha ha(the doll silly!) I was so excited, but then of course the kids wanted to know what it was so I had to tell them that it was fabric, I always get excited when I get fabric in the in mail so no big deal to them! I put the box in the closet and after the kids went to bed I got her out just to make sure it was the right one! Chad had made the comment that I just wanted to be the first to play with her and do her hair, he knows me all to well!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Winter Wonderland
So its been awhile since my last post! My gosh have we been busy and Christmas Eve is tomorrow, I just can't believe its here already, where did the time go? Well the kids and I had our last day of school last Thursday, they were supposed to have school on Friday but since we had an ice storm of Thursday night school was cancelled for Friday! Thankfully the kids had there Christmas program of Thursday night which was very entertaining! Little Lulu was as usual the loudest one singing for her class, hey at least she knows the words to all of the songs! Kyle of course, is way to cool for this kinda stuff so he really didn't sing when his class was up on stage. He stood up on stage with his hands in his pocket, like dude are we done yet? Like I said he is just to cool for that kinda stuff! I also had a niece and a nephew that were also in the schools Christmas program that night. My pictures didn't turn out very well from the program so sorry no pictures, even Chad made the comment that my pictures were really bad! Hooray he notices that I need a new camera! A Nikon SLR would be great Honey, hint hint:)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving/Birthday!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Little Pumpkin
These pictures are from about two weeks ago when I went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch with little Lulu's kindergarten class. Yes I know just a little late to post, but I thought I would share them anyway! Also check out the really cute pants she has on, they are a soft corduroy material and have a sweet little ruffle on the bottom, and of course you can find them in my shop! We were very fortunate that the weather was perfect while we were at the pumpkin patch. Below is a picture of Lulu and I on our way back to pick out a pumpkin, she just cracks me up!
We also got to see three baby lambs that were born the week before, I guess it is very special when a sheep has anymore than one lamb born at a time! They are so stinkin cute!!!
On our way back home the bus driver stopped by one of the windmills, yes the ones that I had always wanted to get up close to, so that we could get some pictures. I was glad to see that I wasn't the only one that wanted a close up picture!!! The windmills are about a half a mile off the road, and as you can see it is very big! If I had driven myself I probably would have driven up the little drive way and asked the workers if I could look inside! Of course that's just how I am!HA!HA! I tired to zoom in as much as possible on the little door below, look at how little it is comparatively!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Its That Time of Year!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Menu Plan Monday
Gosh, it sure has been a while since I have posted my menu for Menu Plan Monday, so here is what we are having this week!
Monday- Cavatini, with whole wheat pasta
Tuesday- Easy chicken casserole with homemade apple crisp for dessert.
Wednesday- Eat in town our church is having its annual supper and bazaar.
Thursday- Hot ham and cheese sandwiches
Friday- Chili
Check out other menus at I'm an Organizing Junkie's Meal Plan Monday!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
What a big boy I have!
I am so excited, today my little bear went to the potty like a big boy!!! He was standing next to me as I was doing my homework on the couch and starts to make funny noises so I ask him " Do you need to go to the potty? Lets go to the potty!" Of course he takes of running to the bathroom and stands in front of the toilet, I have to assist him with his pants and cloth diaper. I thought he was done by the looks of his diaper but he sat on the potty and went!!! Hooray! I was so excited for him i'm not sure if he really understands what a big deal that is! My little 19 month old went to the potty for the first time, how exciting is that! I realize this may not last for long and that it may just be a phase, simply because he likes stuffing the toilet full of toilet paper and he enjoys the flushing sound, I won't push the subject with him. I am definitely grateful that he is showing interest at only 19 months! Hooray for you little bear!!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Wind Farming

Monday, August 25, 2008
Menu Plan Monday

Monday Chicken Enchiladas (Very yummy! See recipe below)
Tuesday Hamburger Helper (I start school today and I have a Tri-Kappa meeting at 7:00.)
Wednesday Spaghetti with garlic bread (I will be spending the day at Lake Michigan and I get my haircut at 6:00!)
Thursday Creamy Chicken Casserole
Friday eating out (Wedding rehersal dinner!)
Here are the recipes, I must admit I really don't measure things like I should!
Chicken Enchiladas
1 tablespoon full of butter
1 can of condensed cream of mushroom soup
1 8oz tub of sour cream
1.5 cups of cubed cooked chicken breast meat (I cheat and use 4 precooked seasoned chicken breast that are frozen and cook them in the microwave.)
1 cup chedder cheese divided
6 (12inch flour)tortillas
1 can of mild enchilada sauce
Preheat oven to 350
-In a medium suacepan over medium heat, melt butter and stir in soup and sour cream mix well and set aside 1/4th of the sauce for the toping.
-With the remaining sauce add chicken and 1/2 cup of cheese mix and fill all six tortillas with desired amount and place them seam side down in a 9x13 baking dish.
-For the remaining sauce add a can of enchilada sauce and the rest of the cheese, mix and pour over all of the enchiladas. Bake for about 20min. and enjoy!
Friday, August 15, 2008
First Day of School
Gosh time sure does fly by when you are having fun! Well the kido's actually started yesterday but they only had a half day, so today is there first full day of school! K is in second and my little lulu is a fresh new kindergartener! I am quite sad to see the mother hen go:( For the past 17 months she has been such a big helper with the little dude during the day. I really think I am going to miss her! K was so excited to help Little Lulu out at school yesterday morning when I dropped them off. It is kinda sweet, I seen K walk with her to the playground to show her all of the fun stuff! It is nice to know that he is there to help and watch out for her. Isn't that what big brothers are for? I am so grateful that we live in a very small community were we know most of the families around here. So it looks like it is just me and the little dude! I can't wait until four o'clock rolls around to see how there day was. I think I shall make my famous oatmeal raisin cookies for there afternoon snack. (Well, it is just the recipe on the oatmeal box but they are so good!) Well I need to get off of the computer and have some playtime with the little one. Also, I have some exciting news coming soon!!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Menu Plan Monday

Here is what is on the menu for this week!
Monday taco salad and blueberrycrisp for dessert
Tuesday ham and turkey roll up and fresh sweetcorn
Wednesday hambuger helper fried zucchini banana bread for dessert
Thurday tortellini with garlic bread
Friday B.B.Q. pork chops
I have fresh blueberries and bananas that need to be used up!
As always, feel free to comment I am always looking for new recipes to try!:)
Have a wonderful week!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Menu Plan Monday

Monday- Ham and turkey roll up
Tuesday- B.B.Q. pork sandwiches and lemon shake ups (yummy!) recipe found here
Wednesday-Chicken spaghetti with garlic bread
Thurday-Cheeseburgers and sweetcorn
Friday- Taco's and fried zucchini (I will also try to fry the taco shells like our local taco shop does.)
I am always looking for new and easy recipes so if you have any let me know!
Tractors, Tractors and more Tractors!
Yesterday my husband, the kids and I had to go and pick up his antique tractors that were at a steam and gas show. The kids also got to do the kiddie tractor pull were they each got there own trophy! Little Lulu got fourth place and a pink ribbon (her favorite color) and the cool dude got second place and a red ribbon! They both did an amazing job and got really far. Great job kids!
Also, here are a few more pictures of my husband and his tractors. He will really enjoy seeing this post as he is very proud of his tractors and all of the work that he has put into them. This tractor was orange when we got it about about four years ago. My husband is "plum crazy" and painted it purple.
K. was such a little dude back when we got this tractor!
This is his latest tractor, below, which he bought this spring and already wants to sell it! He and his friends enjoy riding it around so I don't think he should get ride of it.
OK, enough about tractors I will adding more designs to my shop this week so be sure to check them out. Also, I have decided to start making ponytail holders to match my clothing in my shop. It was a toss up between headbands and ponytail holders and well since little lulu doesn't wear headbands for very long and she always has her hair up in a ponytail we decided on matching ponytail holders! One last thing, I will be posting my Menu Plan Monday later today after I figure out what we are having and go to the store to get some much needed food! HA!HA! (The kids keep telling me that there is "nothing" to eat.) Have a wonderful day! Lisa
Friday, July 25, 2008
Busy summer days
Gosh it's been a while since I have posted anything! Well, we have been super busy! We just finished the 4H fair last night, my husband took his antique tractors to a steam and gas show for the weekend and I have a craft show that I am doing Saturday! This is the first time I have ever done a craft show so we will see how it goes! I still have sewing that needs to be finished and I get to pick up my business card between 2:00 and 4:00 today! I am so excited to get them also I am hoping that my clothing labels come in the mail today that I ordered from Jennifer. She was so wonderful to work with I am so grateful that I found her. If you need clothing labels check out her shop here!
Ok, so about the fair, my cool dude was in mini 4-H this year he took three projects, a car collect, lego car model and a wooden bird feeder. He did an absolute amazing job on all three of his projects I will post pics as soon as I can find the time to take them! Also, one last thing next week I will be posting my menu plan monday, we ate at the fair all this week so decided not to post anything. I will also begin, hopefully, a going green series with simple steps to going green! Check out my etsy shop which you can now get to by typing in I bought the domain this week for only $10.19!WOW! I purchases through Go Daddy and they helped me forward it to my etsy shop! (It was very easy to do by the way.)They Rock! I have plans to setup my own web shop hopefully in the near future. (Sept. Oct. sound good!) Well I have got to get off of the computer as I have a very busy day today! (Note to self: return library books today.) Blessing to you, Lisa
Friday, July 18, 2008
First Haircut
I have been meaning to post this since last week! Last Wednesday I finally gave the little bear a haircut! Yes, at 16 months and 11 days old I cut his hair. I really didn't intend to cut all of it, just his bangs and the top but he was being very still and doing such a good that I went for the back and sides. I would have taken pics while I was cutting his hair but, well um, he was in his birthday suit. (I was cutting his hair right before his bath.) He looks like such a little stud, I hope that nobody calls him a cute little girl anymore. I had an older lady at the store one day say "she's cute", at first I thought, who is she talking about. Then come to find out she was talking about the little bear, not lulu who was also with me! Yeah thanks lady but he is All boy, he was even wearing dark blue. Someone needs to get grandma some new glasses. Ha!Ha!
So here he is!

Well gotta go I have some sewing that that needs to be done.
One other thing to post my husband made a tire swing for the kids on Sunday! The kids love swinging on it and fighting over who's turn it is.
Ha! Ha! It's mommy's turn so move it or loose it.
Have a wonderful day!!! Lisa
Monday, July 14, 2008
Menu Plan Monday

Monday cheeseburgers and fresh garden veggies baked see recipe below
Tuesday Ham and Turkey loaf
Wendsday homemade broccoli soup with fresh broccoli from the garden
Thursday chicken spaghetti
Friday leftovers
So here are my reciepies.
Garden veggies: This is what I am using you can use as much or as little as you would like.
1 large zucchini and 2 smaller ones
3 small squash
1 small head of cabbage
1/2 bag of carrots (I would use more but its all I have left)
3 large potatos
desired amounts of butter, salt, pepper and some water
Wash and cut up all of the veggies to desired size and put in a pan (I am using a 9x13 inch pan)
pour just a little bit of water over top with butter, sprinke with salt and pepper and bake in the oven for about one hour at around 350. Super easy and healthy!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
I've been featured!!!
I would like to thank Ashlee from island shopper for featuring me this week!!! A big thank you:) You must check out her blog! You can go to Monday July 7th's post to see my little guy. This blog is packed full of really neat products, so get your wallet out and ready! Again, thank you. well got to go we have to get ready to go to the library this morning. Have a wonderful day!!! Lisa
Monday, July 7, 2008
Menu Plan Monday

Monday Tator Tot casserole and fruit salad for dessert
Tuesday Cheese tortellini and garlic bread
Wedensday Fish and veggies
Thursday Meatballs and fried zucchini
Friday BBQ pork chops on the grill
I am on the hunt for new recipes and open for comments and suggestions!!! Lisa
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Summer fun at the beach
Happy 232nd birthday America!!! Well this is how I spent my weekend!!!
Well we also brought home half of the beach with us if anyone is interested in some sand? Ha!Ha!

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Take me out to the ball game!!!
Here is another pair of GO-GO board shorts for the little ones! This pair has super cute little vintage baseballs on them and just in time for summer.
These shorts turned out to be so adorable! WOW, Baseball has been around for the past 150 years! I could give you a history lesson on baseball and the Civil War!!! (Don't worry I won't today, maybe next time! ha! ha!) So anyway back to these super cute shorts that you can find here in my shop! They are available in eight different sizes and ready for action. I have a few more things that I am working on and I hope to get them posted soon!!! Gotta go, we have a busy day today so until next time, have a wonderful day! Lisa
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Girl's down on the farm skirt
So here it is my latest creation in full bloom!!!
So last night I made my little model put on her skirt and go outside, yet again, so I could snap a few pictures. Well, this photo session was fun!!! Little Lulu wanted her picture taken by Hickory, (the horse in the picture below) so we walked down to where he was eating some grass and snapped a few. Then she wanted her picture taken with one of the Big tractors but I suggested she sit on daddy's new antique tractor (which by the way, is about a 1950's Worthington, yes I have driven it and it is loads of fun!!!) so thanks to my husband he got it out of the shed for us to use!
The picture's turned out great and Lulu and I had fun on daddy's tractor. She is so goofy and makes the sillest faces ever!!! This skirt is perfect for any farm or city girl. Now I know what she can wear on the Forth of July, this skirt is perfect! You can get this super cute skirt in my shop here! Well until next time have a wonderful day!!! Lisa
Strawberry Picking
So I have two different events to post today!!! This first one is from when we went strawberry picking at the neighbors. The children and I love fresh strawberry's and as you can see there weren't very many to pick.
I love the picture above the little bear just couldn't wait to get his paws on them!!! LOL
Hey, save some for me!!!
This is one of the little bears and his new toy. Daddy's pop bottle filled with pinto beans! (Yes, I did wash the bottle out before inserting the beans! I also should tape the top so he won't spill the beans!!!) He enjoy's it and he is learning cause and effect by shaking it. Who needs lead painted toys we have pop bottle's!!! Well off to the next post!!! Lisa
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Paradise Island Skirt
This is the Paradise Island Skirt. I am so excited with the way it turned out!!! I, of course love this skirt pattern. (I designed it myself!) This pattern has lots of twirling power! The Paradise Island Skirt is made from Amy Butlers new fabric from the midwest modern collection. This skirt is the must have skirt for any little girl this summer. It is available in eight different sizes, for more info check out my shop I have two more designs that I am working on so check back for a sneek peak!!! Also, A big thank you to my little model, THANKS LITTLE LULU!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Welcome to my blog!!!
OK, so here I am just welcoming myself to blog world! My name is Lisa and I am a wife and stay at home mother of 3 wonderful children and I design, sew and sell childrens clothing. So, anyway I set up this blog so you can check out my designs and also a place to write my thoughts. Please check back soon as I will be posting more. I have a new skirt design that I just finished and I am SO EXCITED about!!! So go check out my shop Thanks and have a wonderful day! Lisa
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