It was a beautiful Saturday morning in June as we loaded up to make the drive to Chicago with four kids in tow, running shoes and a rather large jogging stroller. The trip up there wasn't too bad considering it could have been worse, it was Lillian that I was worried about. She was not a car rider, although currently she has somewhat grown out of that stage in life. I was overly excited, I love a big city and especially one along Lake Michigan. The kids were giddy too, I could tell once we got in the city they were mesmerised by all the tall buildings, and possibly the fact they knew where we were going!
We arrived at Navy Pier and ate lunch, I felt a little overwhelmed with all the people. I could not believe the amount of people crowed in that building. We went outside and started walking to the places we had planned on going too. I had google mapped the route and thought I did a good job by staying away from the main highway. I somehow missed the fact they had an overpass that you were to walk up the stairs. Something that was not convenient with a stroller. So we turned down a side road and walked past some really cute shops and restaurants. We finally made it to Michigan Ave. and I could not believe the amount of people on the sidewalks there. Thankfully the kids knew to stay with us and not try to walk ahead. We past at least two street beggars, one of which looked like a younger man in his lower twenties maybe. The streets were also filled with people trying to sell things and you learned quickly to not look at them or just say no thank you.
Once we arrived at the American Girl doll store, it was hard for me to contain my excitement. Lindsey was just as excited as I was! We were greeted at the door and looked around at all the neat things they had displayed. We soon found ourselves in the Bitty Baby section in which we were on the hunt for the red haired, blue eyed baby for Lillian. Our sweet little girl was in love with all the babies along with all the extra stuff they had displayed too. She really liked the stroller they had and pushed that around with her baby in it. Yes, she was a little selfish when other little girls came close and wanted to push the stroller too. (And I actually let her be selfish, I felt that was her moment to have fun.) Lindsey soon choose and outfit for her doll she had at home and we were ready to leave and venture to the Lego store. Unfortunately, someone cute and little wasn't ready to leave. She threw a wonderful fit that Chad dealt with while I stood back and watched her frustration and flailing little body, oh yeah and took picture of her too! (I probably would have thrown a fit, but I wasn't up for people starring at me too!)
We made our way up the Lego store and I could not believe the things they had made with Lego's. The boys had a certain amount of money they could spend and I think they may have been overwhelmed with so many choices. (or at least Kyle was, Jacob knew what he wanted!) The kids enjoyed playing with the Lego's they had set up at different areas throughout the store.
This picture below is made completely of Lego's! How amazing is that!!!!
Once we finally managed to get out of the Lego store and we headed to the much anticipated John Hancock building right across the street! The kids were so excited to go all the way up to the top! Before our trip we had watched You Tube videos and found many interesting facts about the building. Unfortunately for me I didn't want to take the elevator and go up to the 95th floor once I got there! WHATS WRONG WITH ME! I was so excited about going up to the top but once I saw the building right there in front of it I felt sick to my stomach. I have a HUGE fear of elevators and heights, I know how fun! So Chad ended up taking Kyle, Lindsey and Jacob up to the top for 5 dollar pops! Lillian and I stayed down at the bottom and watched the people go by. We seen two brides and their party getting ready to go up the observatory while we waited and waited and waited for Chad and the kids to come back down!

The kids loved sitting by the window at the top of the building and I wish they would have pushed me onto that elevator. I would have loved to hear and seen their reactions to the view. We than made our way back to Navy Pier and walked down to the Haggen Daz ice cream shop to spend a little over $30 bucks on ice cream! Way to much money to spend on ice cream, but on a very hot day it was money well spent. I do have note the picture of Lindsey swinging on the tree is one of my favorites because if I was her age that is something I would have done! After eating our ice cream we sat in the grass across the street from Navy Pier and watched the cars go by and play in the grass. That was the best way to end the day. What we did learn about the city of Chicago is that when driving just honk your horn, no seriously just drive, honk your horn and wave! We do plan on going back next summer and possibly spend the night so we can see and do more things in the big city. The kids and Chad loved it and I still remember some of those little details that made the day so special for all of us!!!! Blessings, Lisa