Kyle and Lindsey started school on Monday and life just hasn't been the same since! It's so quite during the day without them here, Jacob and I kinda miss them when they are gone! The first few days Jacob would wake up after Kyle and Lindsey got the bus at 7:10 and he would go into there rooms and looking for them! He got up early this morning and got to see them get on the bus, Chad had to drive them down the lane because it was pouring down rain! All day long Jacob reminds me that Kyle and Lindsey are on the bus, I don't think he understands that the bus only takes them to school and then picks them back up after school, so I guess Kyle and Lindsey must ride the bus all day or so Jacob thinks!! The kids are adjusting well to going back, they were both excited to see their old friends and meet new ones, have a different teacher and new classroom! Lindsey unfortunately has gotten in trouble already for what you ask, talking to much! Her and her little girlfriends! I have to admit she does talk a lot, Chad always says "I wonder where she got that from?" I wonder, I don't talk that much, do I?! I have been running almost everyday for the past week and Lindsey usually goes with me down the road (just in case I pass out on the side of the road, just joking!) and I am telling you what talk, talk, talk! I really don't mind, its actually kinda nice just us girls! That and I can only last about a mile OK 3/4 of a mile! (some times I walk half way back!) In other news, (I sound like a TV reporter!) I have added a new very special dress to my
shops that I am really excited about! Here it is Riley's Pop Garden Knot Dress! (The desk was a $10 yard sale find this past spring!)

I love how fun and fresh this dress is! Its perfect for back to school

or an afternoon tea party!

What make this dress so special is that a portion of the proceeds from this dress will be donated to the
Riley Children's Hospital Burn Unit! I feel that this is a great way to give back to the wonderful staff at the burn unit and to help donate toys for the children they may be there! I know that if it wasn't for the toys that they gave us, Jacob would have been really bored during his stay! So be sure to check it out in my shop, it won't last long so get it before its gone!!! One last thing, I will be having an End of Summer sale this Saturday in both of my
shops! So be sure to stock up! I am working on lots of new things for fall so out with the old, and in with the new!!! Lisa
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