Oh my goodness has it been awhile since my last blog post! We have been enjoying just our summer, which has been very busy! It's hard to believe that the kids will be starting back to school in just two more weeks! Wow, I don't think I'm ready for them to go back yet! Here are some pictures from we went to the beach this summer. Jacob went for the first time, since he couldn't go with us much last year! He loved the beach, just like his mama! Below, he wasn't quite sure about all that water!
Jacob loved playing all that sand!!!!
Break Time! Playing at the beach can be hard work!
His break didn't last long! He! He!
Kyle and Lindsey enjoying the water!!
This is Lindsey below as the sun was getting ready to set!
And here is one of Kyle as the sun was setting! I loved the way these pictures turned out!
We had a wonderful day at the beach as usual and Jacob sure loved it! Except for the three times that he choked on the water! He needs to learn to keep his mouth closed when he is splashing and jumping in the water! I am hoping to catch up on my blogging, I lots more to share with you, so keep checking back!!!! Lisa
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