I am so glad I didn't venture out into the cold to go shopping today! Instead, I did my shopping online and stayed inside all day where it's warm! Now if only I could do my grocery shopping online I would be good to go this winter! I really dislike going out in the cold, especially with little ones! We had a nice Thanksgiving yesterday and get to do it again tomorrow! I honestly just got into one pair of my pre-pregnancy jeans and now I will be getting back out of them from all the yummy food I can't help but eat! I think that's just part of the holiday's, eating too much! One of my first fun finds is something that I started using for Lillian this week. The
J.J. Cole Bundle me for infant seats! Really I don't remember these neat gadgets and such when Kyle and Lindsey were small!

I love it for Lillian, it keeps her cozy without all those blankets! Oh how I am not ready for the cold! Another one of my fun finds for the cold are these boots that I bought last year at the end of winter on sale!

I can never figure out when wearing pants with your boots do you tuck them in the boots or have them go over the boots!? I am so not the fashion expert when it comes to things like that! I guess since its colder outside now I can pull my boots out of the closet, along with the Christmas decorations! I have already been listening to Christmas music for a few weeks now! I love Christmas music and usually start listening to it right after Halloween or sometimes before! Oh yes and tomorrow is a very special day us! We celebrate Lindsey's 8th birthday! My gosh how times flies! I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving and a fun Black Friday, shopping or not!!!! Lisa
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