516. Much warmer than normal January days
517. Sewing Lillian a cute Valentines day dress
518. The boys excited about being able to play outside
519. Our water bill being just under one hundred dollars this month
520. Kyle and Lindsey excited to go back to school after Christmas break
521. Long phone conversations
522. Writing down all the important dates on our new 2012 calender
523. Listening to Jacob play his preschool computer games while I sew, Lillian naps and Kyle and Lindsey are at school
524. Growing my Little Green Swing facebook fan page
525. Lillian only waking up two times during the night and getting closer to someday having a whole nights sleep
To learn more about One Thousand Gifts visit Ann's blog, A Holy Experience, and take the dare to count as many blessings in which the Lord has blessed you with!!!! Blessings, Lisa
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