Yesterday the temperature outside was 60° and sunny☀! Jacob could not wait to go outside and play in the melting snow that was still on the ground. I put Lillian in the sling and we headed out for the first time in a very long time! I can not wait until spring, sitting on the back porch in the sunshine was soooo what I needed yesterday. This winter has been awful, with the weather being way to cold to be outside and a lot more snow than usual! I am definitely a not a winter person, I would prefer a nice hot day at the beach, is it spring yet!? Jacob had a blast outside and Lillian, she was just thrilled to be outside!
Jacob seemed to have a blast outside! What's funny is that he found a beach toy in the shed and was playing in the snow with it!
I had to convince the Jacob that he didn't need to wear his coverall's outside yesterday! For some reason he loves to wear his coverall's even inside! He's silly like that, I think he gets that from Chad since he always wears his coveralls. Today was a bit cooler and blustery so we didn't get out much to play or at least Lillian and I didn't. It's supposed to get cooler again next week so I am glad we enjoyed our very little warm up while it lasted!
Oh yes and I almost forgot, Lillian rolled over all by her little self yesterday! Hooray! She has been trying to get somewhere for quite a while now but couldn't quite make it over by herself. I laid her on her blanket yesterday on her belly and as soon as I put her down she rolled over! I think it startled her a little when she got over along with all of my excitement, so of course we had to do it again and again! I did manage to get it on video, now if only I can figure out how to get that on the computer! Now she is working on rolling over the other way back to belly! Yikes look out she's on a roll!!!! Blessings, Lisa
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