This week Kyle and Lindsey have had three snow days thanks to a wonderful blizzard that left us with around 13 inches of snow! Along with a blizzard, we also had to deal with sick little ones! Kyle had to miss school Friday, this is the first time he has had to miss school in three years! Kyle and Lindsey seem to have it right now, I wonder where they got it from!? Oh the things children share! Neither one of them are going to basketball Saturday, instead they will be here at home drinking Gatorade and water like its going out of style!
We did stay busy for the most part during our three day break! We played games like this: (Even though Jacob always cheated!)
We made these with crayons, wax paper and an iron:
Since we couldn't go out and play on Wednesday because it looked like this:
We brought some snow inside to play with:
I made this pretty camera strap with some scrap fabric I have:
It even has a pocket for the lens cap that I always seem to lose!:
This little girl loved having her oldest brother and sister around to play:

Blessings, Lisa
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