On Monday the kids and I took a trip to Target for some school supplies. I really only bought school supplies for Jacob's preschool and Lillian's Tot school since I didn't have a list of supplies for Kyle and Lindsey with me! I have decided to save myself around $70 a month plus gas by not sending Jacob to preschool this year. Although the preschool he would have gone to is much cheaper than what I shelled out for Kyle and Lindsey's preschool! I went to the dollar section at Target and managed to get lots of things that I was looking for! I also went to the dollar store and got a few more things. I am thinking of doing more of a Montessori type preschool/tot school for the kids.
Foam Clock
Foam shapes
Small letter stamps (I have larger ones already)
Number stamps
ABC flash cards
Dry erase boards with lines
Sidewalk chalk
Wall pocket holder
Weather charts (I like these because they are much larger than the ones I already had)
Wooden pencil pointer (to use with the wall pockets)
Three containers for sensory boxes and/or work to be done. I'm thinking about getting more!
From the local dollar store I found maps, a two sided map puzzle, Cars alphabet book and number cards, cute foam letters and numbers and cute little bins to put things in and out of.
I also bought a Crayola dry erase crayon set which I really like! I only bought one since I wasn't sure how well I would like it, I need to buy two or three more! So far I think I have spent around $30 on those supplies listed above, I also ordered a laminating machine that I am so excited to get in the mail and start laminating everything! This summer I have been doing summer school with the kids and they don't seem to mind doing the things I have for them! At first I was the mean mom, but now they like seeing what things we will be doing next. There are so many websites with such neat things that I have found for them to do, not sure I really want to send that back to school so soon. At least I will still have Jacob and Lillian to make lesson plans for and then one day my own classroom full of kids! Blessings, Lisa
Lisa -
Whenever you want to come pick up some strawberry plants, please send me an email at juneil1992 at gmail dot com. We live 2 miles south of the TC HS.
June Knobloch (Kedron's mom from swimming lessons at TC)
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