Kyle and Lindsey had their school Christmas program the Last week and they both did great! Lindsey was super excited about a solo that she had with a few of her classmates, it was short and sweet. Lindsey loves that kind of attention, if it has anything to do with singing and being in front of an audience she is all for it! Kyle on the other hand could really do with out performing in a Christmas program, which I can completely relate to I don't like to be in front of a crowd either. Here is Lindsey singing her part of the solo she with her classmates, they all did a great job!
Oh how she loves to sing!
I also wanted to share a few picture of the kids when they went to our local fire station to see Santa on Saturday. Of course Kyle thinks he is to old and too cool for Santa! (I think Kyle may know something!)

Christmas is almost here and I am finally done with my Christmas shopping, I even have some things wrapped! How crazy is that, this may be the first! I am super excited about Christmas this year because we get to spend it in our new home!!!! Blessings, Lisa
Jacob likes him because he gives you presents if your good, and I remind him of that daily!
Lindsey likes him because she has a long list of things she wants him to bring!
Lillian on the other hand didn't want anything to with that crazy looking man presents or no presents!
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