Goodness gracious have we been busy lately! With basketball, 4-H meeting, Lindsey started cheer leading tonight, doing preschool with Jacob and working at the other house, I'm ready for a vacation! Oh yes and not to mention that I really don't like getting out in the snow! Is it spring yet, only 53 more days?!
I am having the hardest time picking out a wall color for our kitchen! I know it's just paint, but I really don't like the idea of having to paint over it again! OK that and I guess you can call me lazy! I really want the color to match the glaze around the cabinets edges, not to much to ask for now is it!? I am afraid the color that I have chosen may be to dark, it's Benjamin Moore's Golden Chenille seen here. It looks lighter on the Internet than it does on my swatch!

I went to the local hardware store today to pick up some polyurethane for the stairs and had to stop and look at their paint colors! And of course pick up a few colors to add the never ending pile of colors! Hopefully by this time next week we will have the kitchen painted and ready to put the flooring down next weekend.
Speaking of flooring check out this kitchen's floor in the picture below and aren't' those cabinets pretty too! (Photo credit: Country Living)

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