Today Kyle and Lindsey had their school Christmas program and this one just blew me away compared to any of their others! I have to say it was an absolutely beautiful program and so blessed that my children got to be apart of it! Kyle and Lindsey did an amazing job along all of the other children from their school. Not to mention all of the teachers and helpers that made this all possible for them. Thankfully Lillian was good the whole time, I was a bit fearful as she didn't eat much before we left and I don't feel comfortable feeding her in public! Jacob enjoyed watching all of the kids sing and even tried to sing along! It was cute but unfortunately I had to shush him for singing! Before Jacob and I left home to go to the program I found this in Lillian's car seat buried under all of her blankets! Goober Jacob's baby doll, he named it not me, who looks like he needs a bath!
At least he strapped him in! Now we have Lillian ready to go to the show! Off we gooo!
This program was much different than the others at their old school. I love the song's that they sang here at this school. They never really sung songs like Silent Night and Oh Come All Ye Faithful, so hearing those types of songs in a school was wonderful. Kyle and Lindsey really enjoyed themselves and I know that I truly enjoyed watching them!!!! Blessings, Lisa
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