Today was a rather blustery day outside, so what better way to spend the day than playing dress up! Lindsey has this thing about changing her clothes around 20 times a day. (OK, slight exaggeration!) I think she had a total of six or seven outfits on today! Earlier this afternoon I was folding laundry in my room on my bed, which is were I always fold laundry, and Lillian usually watches me. I'm trying to teach her young, hopefully she will be folding towels before she can walk! Ha! Ha! Lindsey was in with me and asked if she could change Lillian's clothes into a pair of pants she found in the pile! I told her yes and that I wasn't going to help her, she had to do it herself. Oh my she loved this, of course I just sat and watched along with assisting her on what I would do if I was changing her clothes. She wasn't sure if she should go up over head or down with some of the outfits! She stripped her down to her onesie and started to put on different thing. Lillian didn't seem to really mind, she's a girl so this must come natural for her to like changing her clothes!
Lindsey sure looks happy! Lillian, not so much!
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